local christmas persent shopping

A Very Memphis Gift Guide: Shop Local

As moms, it seems that all the holiday shopping falls on our plates. The kids, the spouse or partner, extended family, teachers, the list goes on… And while I am a fan of the ease of Amazon’s online shopping, with packages magically showing up at my doorstep, I prefer to try to support locally owned businesses – not only because of the economic impact, but also because I find joy in shopping in person, thinking about each recipient and what they may love. Add with the supply chain and shipping issues of late, and I have set out to buy in person, in a local shop, as much as I can this holiday season.

Memphis is fortunate to be ripe with local businesses – we asked readers to identify some of their favorites and have collected them below. This is not an exhaustive list, and if you have a favorite, please feel free to share in the comments or on our social media!

shop local this holiday season
Pictured, left to right by row: Belltower Artisans, Mrs. Post, Cottontails, London & York, Buff City Soaps, Thistle & Bee, Oxbeau, Novel Memphis, and Babcock Gifts

Children’s Specialty Stores

Apparel Stores

Gifts, Households, Decor, Art



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