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Mom’s Night Out: Wine and Dine Event Recap

wine and dineIt’s been almost a week and I am still thinking about how much fun we all had at our Mom’s Wine and Dine last weekend!  There is just something about getting away from the busyness of the kids, and the housework, and the husbands (let’s face it, they can be a lot of work too!) and hanging out with a bunch of other moms! 

This event took place at the oh so amazing Little Studio on the Square in Arlington.  This place is so cool, girls.  We were so grateful to partner with them for this event and for the privilege to be able to use their space. With Christmas music in the air, wine flowing, delicious food being eaten, and a loud buzz of a bunch of moms laughing and chatting away the whole evening, it was perfect!

The evening began with the pouring of wine and filling our plates with some seriously tasty food from Arlington’s Pink Flamingo Catering.  As girls made their way in and settled in with food and drinks, they were able to check out some products from our Monat girls who were set up for the evening with free samples, and product info.  It was also nice to just look around the studio and check out some of the beautiful art that has been created there this year. 

Once everyone was done feasting, we began our craft for the evening.  The holiday kissing balls were a big hit!  It was so fun watching all those little Styrofoam balls evolve into beautiful holiday decor, each one unique and different! Every now and then we’d take a pause to raffle off a giveaway. It never gets old watching a person’s response when their name gets called and we announce the winner!  No matter what the giveaway is, the reaction is always priceless! 


moms wine and dineWe would like to thank all of our sponsors who helped make this event a success!

Little Studio on The Square

Pink Flamingo Catering

Caesar Wine and Liquor

H. Saga Port Alliance

For those who provided items for our giveaways, thank you!

Danielle Byars and Jenny Hendrix from Monat

Allison Brice with Plexus

Crave Coffee Bar and Bistro

And a big thank you to all who purchased tickets and came out during this busy season to hang out and make this the super fun event that it was!  THANK YOU!!


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