Jenny Oldenburg



Jenny is a stay-at-home mom and writer living in East Memphis with her husband Jason, who has spent his entire life mastering the art of the “dad joke.” Her daughter Calliope was born in 2014, much to the annoyance of her two dogs (they’ve warmed up now that Calliope is older and sharing her food with them). She enjoys coming of age novels, board games and magic tricks. She tries to live by Edith Wharton’s advice to "be happy in small ways" which is why she gets a genuine thrill whenever she successfully folds a fitted sheet.

Five Bonkers Things You’ll Do To Get Pregnant
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage. The old rhyme makes it sound so straightforward, doesn't it? You decide you want a baby so you stop your birth control, maybe drink a little wine, one things leads to another, and boom! Pregnant. But sometimes it’s not that easy. Sometimes […]
The Lazy Mom’s Intro to Composting (with DIY tutorial.)
Years ago, before I abandoned my aspirations to be a cool urban homesteader, I built a compost bin. I only used it for a few months before I fell out of the habit and then it sat, untouched, for years. When I opened it up recently I was delighted to find… compost! The thing actually […]
3 Reasons to Love a Video Monitor
When I was pregnant and registering for baby gear there was one thing that didn’t make the list: a video monitor. My husband and I agreed they were overkill. I mean, what would we even use it for? To watch her sleep? Why would I need to do that? Ha! Add that to the long […]
Keeping Gratitude on the Table
Before we eat dinner, my husband and I share something we’re grateful for. It’s a tradition we started shortly after we were married and decided to have dinner at the table instead of in front of the television like we’d done for years. Occasionally, it’s a big thing like, “I’m grateful the tests came back […]
Falling in Love with Memphis as a Mom
Recently I went to my very first Memphis Tigers football game. I’m not a fan of football but some friends had good seats, and my husband and I were desperate for a night out. Two years ago if you had asked me what I thought of the Memphis Tigers I would have said, “Memphis has […]