Memphis Weird mom club
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Weird Mom Club

Once upon a time, a-soon-to-be mom and a-soon-to-be dad moved from a land far, far away to a quaint little suburb in an area labeled “the mid-south.” This soon-to-be child rearing couple were relatively content in their new land of strip malls, churches, and extremely friendly people, yet neither knew a soul aside from each other. And neither felt an urgent need to change their wallflower ways. You see, there was a fear that because they had little interest in gathering at the Bed Bath and Beyond on weekends or fancying themselves up for a  Chick-fil-A lunch date, they would be shunned from their new community. Yet as time passed and soon-to-be was no more, this now mom and dad found themselves attending “playdate” type gatherings, where they became friendly with those in their similar situation. The mom started getting invited to gatherings and was added into a mother group conversation via mobile device, yet still hesitated to engage due to her longing for the people from her native home. As time passed and seasons changed, despite her initial reluctance, the mom began to miss companions and grew to become quite fond of her new-mother cohorts.

Memphis friends weird moms

The one day, a day just like any other, as her work came to a close, the mom packed up her belongings and rushed home to see her little darlings. After an abundance of hugs and kisses, she readied them for their evening walk with the dog around the neighborhood. Darling number 1 chose her pink power wheels as her locomotive device. Darling number two, too young to be opinionated, sat happily strapped to the mom. As the mom and her darlings rounded the bend to home, darling number 1 decided to try her luck by aborting her mode of transportation and stepping into the street in a defiant manner. Acting quickly, the mom recited her hard and fast rule of “no stepping into the street without holding hands!” Darling number 1 was having none of this and decided to express herself with a pout. The mom, attempting to work though her toddler’s shenanigans, encouraged forward movement to complete the walk in time for dinner.

At that very moment, a conspicuous neighbor approached in his chariot, leaned out the window, and cried, “I think your parenting is weird!” The mom, in shock and awe, begged the neighbor to explain himself. With that the neighbor retorted, “I think your parenting is weird, and I am entitled to my opinion!” The mother, still in disbelief, could not comprehend the origin of such retort. Attempting not to get upset she replied, “You have no right…” to which she was cut off and told that she should stop forcing her child to keep an adult pace, as that was “weird parenting.”

The mom gathered her darlings, held them securely and headed for home. Upon arrival she was greeted by the dad who lent an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. Despite his attempts, he was unable to calm the emotions of the shaken mom. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the mother cohorts, they began to communicate via digital messaging about a separate topic. When the mom, too exasperated to focus on other subject matters, explained to her mother cohorts what had just taken place, a tizzy of buzzing ensued. Messages of disbelief, outrage and support came pouring in. The cohorts, without missing a beat, decided that if someone considered the mom’s parenting “weird” then they would all be “weird moms” together. From that day forward, the “weird moms” were created. From their social media and text group name, to the t shirts and wine glasses, dinner parties and darling outings, the weird moms are alive and weirder than ever. Meanwhile the big bad neighbor move from the neighborhood the very next day and they all lived happily ever after…   


The morals of the story:

  1. Upon witnessing a parent/child interaction, never judge as you have no idea the circumstances and/or situation taking place
  2. Always say yes to a support group

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