Love Letters from Mom :: Lovey Love
Dear Lovey,
It was 4 yrs ago, nearly to the day, and we were well into a never ending, psychosis inducing road trip that you, dear lovey, came into our lives. With nothing left to give, I was completely wiped of entertainment value and my overworked teat could not handle yet another side-of-the-road sooth session.
That’s where you came in. Thanks to you, my one true love, for the first time in the 8 months of my child’s existence, she was silent without human intervention. My initial panic at that silence was quelled when I saw no signs of blue to her skin tone and heard the sounds of rustling feet.
Like a glitter laden, fairy unicorn, roaming below the depths of a rainbow, you had been discovered, our sweet, invaluable lovey. This moment marked your graduation day from painfully expensive, mostly useless sleep sack to king of the castle. And to think, you were baby steps away from living the rest of your life in a recycled diaper box in the attic…
Your undeniably irresistible physical prowess is due, in large part, to your trio of pointy buttons (warmed by clothes dryer sprints set to “high heat” or chilled when stealthy hidden in the freezer, hours on end). Your durable, yet plush micro fleece material allows you to maintain that “forever young” glow despite the abuse you sustain.
You never cease to keep us entertained with your antics: hiding under car seats, jumping out of shopping carts, pulling all night-ers on the swing set in the rain, plunging into the hummus without a care in the world. And let’s not forget the stunt you pulled, soaring out the car window as we sped down the 240 off ramp.
Your diva ways make you all the more desirable with your nightly bubble baths, your demands to be dried in time for bed, and requirements to be front and center for all outings, performances, celebrations, and family photos.
For our child who would otherwise refuse to sleep, you have become her nightly companion. She would usually require anesthesia for a paper-cut, but you ease away all the owies. She used to require fully catered sick days, accompanied by 24/7 Netflix binges when there was a runny nose on the horizon, but you have the ability to strip a fever of all its heat.
The fact that there are 15 of you, meaning we need to pack an extra travel bag to transport you (all), that we have spent endless amounts of time looking for you, bottomless pits of money replacing and/ or adding to your hoard, Energizer Bunny volumes of vigor cleaning and doting over you does not phase us (anymore).
You’ve proven there’s no love like the love for a lovey.
Your Biggest Fan