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The Great Diaper Hysteria {plus $50 GIVEAWAY}


I remember before I became a mom, and I’d see all the commercials for diapers. Huggies diapers. Pampers. Luvs. The Honest Company. Cloth. There’s even that movement where people don’t believe in diapering their kids, which always has and always will freak me out a little bit (more power to you if you can do it, though!). I never really understood why on Earth there were so many different options–a butt is a butt, right?! Just like most things I assumed in my pre-parent days, my assumption that all baby bottoms and front-bottoms were created equal was shattered upon the arrival of my son.

The First Sign of Trouble

I remember when my son was about 4 days old, and I was stocked with diapers from the hospital and from friends. Everyone had given us Pampers newborn diapers, and I was thrilled! No purchasing diapers for a good while!


I quickly made the horrific discovery that my son could somehow pee outside of his Pampers diaper. To this day, I have no idea how he managed to do it. He would somehow completely avoid the diaper, and aim the pee either up and out or through a leg hole. It didn’t matter how tight the diaper was, he would get it completely outside the diaper. After a lot of staring at him with wide-eyes, I asked my mother what she recommended, and came to terms with the fact that maybe I needed to try a different kind of diaper.

So. Many. Options.

A different kind of diaper? Piece of cake.


Since I’d experienced the rogue peeing that my son impressively managed to perform, I became obsessed with finding the right kind of diaper to avoid any more couch-scrubbing on my part. I looked everywhere at reviews, from blogs, to Diapers.com, and even considered going the cloth route.

Luckily my mother stepped in and saved me from my diaper hysteria. I decided to go the simple way, and just try another brand: Huggies diapers. And you know what? It worked out. THANK. GOODNESS.

Avoiding the Hysteria

What did I learn from this experience? Well, that even dumb things will cause you to lose your mind and fall to your knees in tears when you’re a new mom. But I also learned that it’s not that difficult. For me, it was diapers. For you, it might be onesies, or breastfeeding, or socks, or heck maybe even bedding. There’s going to be something that is so minor that it shouldn’t cause hysteria, but it does.

Avoid that. Avoid the panic and the stress. Your child will be fine. You will be fine. The rogue peeing will stop. The stress will calm down. And you will return to your regularly scheduled #momlife fairly unscathed.

$50 Giveaway!

To enter, all you need to do is comment below (on this page, not on social media) with what diaper brand/type your family prefers. One winner will be selected on October 3, 2016 to receive $50 gift certificate to Diapers.com! You can use it to buy anything on the site: diapers, clothing, shoes, toys, bottles… all the baby gear!



This giveaway is a partnership with Nakturnal, with a  prize of a gift certificate.

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  1. We’ve come to love the Target diapers around here! And BTW, “rogue peeing”…I’m picturing your wide eyed astonishment and laughing! Really, I’m laughing WITH you…

  2. We use Honest Co! Ruthie’s bougie bootie breaks out to anything less than $80 a box, apparently :/

  3. We love Pampers but end up buying Target diapers or Luvs – whatever ends up costing us less! At this point though, we are definitely not diaper snobs!!! We’ll use whatever works ?

    1. Congratulations, Ali! You’re the winner of our $50 Diapers.com giveaway! We will email you shortly with information on how to receive your prize!

  4. We love Luvs! And I love that your term front-bottom made a debut on the blog!!!! Especially knowing the story behind it!

  5. We were fortunate that the diapers from the hospital worked well for our oldest, so we became a Pampers Swaddlers family!

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