Calling All Moms Who Want to Help Bring Moms Together!

Are you a member of one of our Memphis Moms Blog Community Groups? We are so thrilled to have this opportunity to help bring the moms from all the different regions of the Memphis area together, but we need your help!


Our Mombassador positions are volunteer positions. However, as with any member of our team, becoming a Mombassador does come with several perks, including free admission into many Memphis Moms Blog events, gifts from our executive team, fun get-togethers with other Mombassadors, our executive team, and contributors, and a great sense of community with other moms in the area!

So what does a Mombassador do?

• Work closely with our owner, LB, to help plan informal play dates and mommy meetups for the members of your Community Group (roughly one per month).
• Attend Memphis Moms Blog planned play dates and meetups for your Community Group. This does not include all the informal meetings that may be planned within the group, as you will not be expected to attend all of those.
• Help facilitate connections in the Facebook group by welcoming new members, facilitating any discussions, etc.
• Help us uphold the Facebook group standards that are pinned to the top of each group.

How do you apply to be a Mombassador?

Just fill out the short application below! We will be going through applications and reaching out to applicants within the next couple of weeks.
The deadline to apply is 9:00pm on October 14th.

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