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Black Panther: More Than JUST Another Superhero Movie

 I’m pretty sure we all know what the number one movie is right now: Black Panther. No matter what channel you’re watching or what radio station you’re listening to, someone is talking about Black Panther.
As a mother to two black teenage boys, when they first saw Chadwick Boseman’s character in the Captain America movie, they went crazy! See, my sons were ecstatic about a young black Superhero seeking justice. Then, when they found out there was an entire movie based on his character, well I had no choice: it was a must that we all see this movie.

So we patiently waited for the movie to come out. I told my boys that we would go as soon as we had the chance. Last Sunday came along and my oldest son, along with some friends from church and their small group leaders, decided that they were going to see the movie together. Cool! This movie was sold out three shows in advance at one theatre and two shows at another! But that did not stop them; they still went. My son came home later that night looking like a he had just witnessed a miracle!! He talked nonstop, of course spoiling the movie for me, but I didn’t care.  You see, the look on his face as he talked about the experience of watching the movie with friends and seeing so many other kids his age enjoy this movie, was worth a few spoilers to me. For me, growing up, my heroes were Denzel playing Malcolm X, and Whoopi in The Color Purple.  But this is a different time, and this movie shows our black children that they can achieve so many goals and reach so many levels as long as they dont give up. Lupita Nyong’o, Letitia Wright, and Danai Gurira show young black girls that no matter your “shade” you too can accomplish great things! Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan show young black boys that you can be a superhero on, and off, the screen! 


Our children need to know that they can do anything they put their minds to. We as parents and as a community have to continue to love and support them. They need to know they too have the power to build electric cars like Shuri. That they too can fight for freedom. Or that one day they too can save a nation. Like Kimberly Bryant, founder of Black Girls Code says, “Try to find the power within you and believe in it. You have so much power.”

If you haven’t seen it yet, The Memphis Moms Blog is giving away 2 free tickets to see Black Panther this weekend! Head over to our Facebook Page to enter!

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