20 Things You Must Do This Fall, PSL Optional
I’m announcing it: fall-related cynicism has officially jumped the shark. It’s over, people. It had its moment, where calling everyone out on their “BaSiC WHiTe GiRL” habits seemed clever, regardless of actual gender and race.
It’s over. Just let people enjoy the fall already.

So with renewed spirit of IDGAF (and if you’re lacking, try this book or two), here is your Fall Bucket List. Because this season does have a color, and a smell, and a sound. And it’s all fantastic.
- Build an altar of greasy, almost-empty tubes of sunscreen, torn pool noodles, and sweat-stained white t-shirts to give thanks that the summer is over.
- Make a joke that, “the weather went from 90 to 55 like it saw a state trooper,” and repeat for a week. Because it’s funny.
- All candles are on sale, so bring on anything autumn/spice/harvest/pumpkin themed. This one is is a good season opener.
- Find a pumpkin patch and corn maze to literally immerse yourself in autumn. Don’t forget the camera!
- Make your way to our Trader Joe’s, and blow your weekly grocery budget on their “Pumpkintopia” display. Or just endless boxes of their apple cider donuts.
- Turn off your AC and open your windows!
- Forget to buy a Halloween costume for yourself, so go as a Jehovah’s Witness. Either you’ll get candy or help spread the good word.
- Consider putting out a teal pumpkin this year and having a few non-food treats for kids with allergies.
- Speaking of Halloween, buy a giant inflatable… you know, for the kids…
- Save those seedy, stringy pumpkin guts as sensory play for babies. Or try to convince your older kids to trade their sticky glitter slime for it.
- Get those feet moving and head to Big River Crossing. The view of our city from the Arkansas side is beautiful!
- New. Fuzzy. Socks.
- Dust off the slow cooker and make something full of cream.
- Thanks to the weather and lack of mosquitoes, it’s time to drink hot coffee outside and not look absolutely insane.
- Start your Xmas list.
- Field Trip Time! Head to Backermann’s: the best bakery you’ve never heard of.
- Rake a giant pile of leaves. Or watch your kids rake. Whichever.
- Abuse the #thankful hashtag.
- Spring cleaning is fine, but FALL CLEANING means emptying the house to make space for Xmas.