Friday Faves

Friday Faves by Teresa

Friday Faves

Happy Friday!  I am so excited to share five favorites that bring me joy.

I work to find joy because, frankly, it can be a little hard these days. But guess what, when we try to find joy even in the little things…it actually isn’t that hard.


noom brings me joy

I am a second-timer with Noom. I joined this healthy lifestyle program when we started this pandemic journey, but I fell off the wagon. This second time around, I am loving the program that aims to help folks live healthier lives through mini-articles, tips, and routine builders. Noom is a quirky app that helps you reprogram yourself. I am sure you have seen the commercial with the candy maker sharing his story. Well, I am happy to tell you that this app has become my favorite morning companion, and the time it takes to enter my meals and read the articles have become joyous moments I spend on me.  How nice is that?


this book is so good

Okay, I am embarrassed. I have been listening to the same book on Audible for months because it is my dog walking book and I haven’t walked the dog as much as I should. I am listening to Loving Frank, which is a rather startling book about Frank Lloyd Wright. I went to graduate  school in Chicago, where we often took walks showing off our architecture expertise…as social workers. However, since I have started Nooming, I now am walking the dog (more joy!) more, thus I get to listen to this book, and let me tell you this story is something else!  I have also found joy in being able to connect my phone to Alexa to listen while I cook.


Alexa is my favorite

Speaking of Alexa, she is my new favorite assistant. I use Alexa to remind my daughter to record her attendance. She also reminds us to let the dog out during the day and she makes sure we don’t burn the bread. Alexa is so thoughtful, she even encourages self-care and reminds me to check the porch for the neverending Amazon packages. Alexa is sometimes the only one who cares that I left the holiday lights on, so she reminds me every night at 10….to cut the holiday lights off.

Loft Loungers

these are my favorite comfy pants

Oh my word. I have not worn “real” clothes since March. I wore tops with leggings or cute dresses all summer so my weight gain was fairly hidden. However, since it’s cooler, I have looked for something comfy to wear with my cute tops. I found these lovely, soft lounge pants from Loft Outlet. They are my new favorite lounge pants because they are soft and nicely oversized. I actually could have gone down a size and I am a bit hippy! Not to mention, they are comfy and warm!

Peppermint Foot Creampeppermint foot cream brings me joy

Pedicures are out of the question for me, and I really miss them. As I attempted to declutter my nightstand, I found a favorite stocking stuffer from my mom that has become a staple for me. Lucky for me, my twin sister gave me hers because she couldn’t see herself using peppermint foot cream. Well, I am almost done with one pot and am happy to have a second. This cream is nice and refreshing for my feet that are very comfortable in slippers most days. I love the cheery smell and immediately feel more joy when I take this moment for self-care.


Jan Kolar, Unsplash

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