How to Keep Kids NOT Bored in Memphis This Summer
Avoid the awful whines of, “I’m bored!” and replace them with the laughter of fun this summer! We’ve teamed up with independently owned Knowledge Tree to get the scoop on the best ways to beat boredom this summer in order to make summertime motherhood just a *tad* easier for you.

Stay cool in the air-conditioning:
Sometimes, it’s just too hot to be outside, am I right? But if your kids are anything like mine, they quickly go a little stir crazy in the house. These fun toys and activities are great for when you need something to entertain your kids inside!
- Fire Truck Tent
- Let’s Explore Campfire
- Let’s Explore Fishing
- Koosh Hoops
- Fold + Go Trampoline
- Millefiori – Sticker Mosaic Collage
- DIY Puzzle
Get some fresh air:
Getting your kids outside everyday is important to their health and well-being, we all know that. But over the summer, it’s easy to run out of new things to do with your kids outside. You’ve checked out all the playgrounds, you’ve played at all the splash pads, or you just need to stick closer to home. Well these are exactly what you need!
- Inflatable Easel
- WOWmazing Bubble Kits
- Sky Spinner
- Spring Shot
- Pogo Jumper
On top of just these recommendations, Knowledge Tree also carries outdoor classics such as jump ropes, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, and even playground kick balls. Beanbag toss anyone? They have that, too! With all of this, there’s no way your kids will be bored!
Grow your mind:
Worried about the dreaded summer slide? These are fun for your kids to work on over the summer so they’re ready to roll as soon as school starts back!
- Summer Bridge Books
- Disney Learning Books
- Butterfly Garden
- Ladybug Land
To purchase any of these items, head to any of their locations OR we encourage you to shop online using their curbside pickup options. Click here for how.
While the summer has come to an end for many kids, these are still some great things to do while it’s still warm! I’ll definitely have to bring my nieces and nephews out to the zoo while it’s still nice outside. Thanks for sharing!