The Best and Worst Parts of High School

back to school week 2024

Since I am starting my senior year in high school, it is high time to talk about the best and worst parts of high school. Keep in mind, these are my experiences on what high school was like for me. There is a chance things will be different for you or your child.

If there is a place to make lifelong friends, it is high school and college. But since I have yet to get the full college experience, I can only speak on high school. When it comes to this age of your life, you can, sort of, figure out who you like and who you don’t like. Within that, you can kind of tell who you want to spend the rest of your life being friends with. I believe this is because you can actually start to choose who you are friends with. In elementary school, you’d become friends with people over something as simple as having the same name as you. And in middle school, it depended solely on who you sat next to in class. While I am not saying these are bad strategies for making friends, you have so many more options in high school. 

high school friends

Worst: (Also) The People

While you will be surrounded by people who you would want to be your lifelong friends, you will also be surrounded by some of the most insufferable people you will ever meet in your entire life. It could be that your personalities clash or that they are just a bad person, but they will definitely irk every bone in your body at some point. But, the best thing to do is to not engage. 9 times out of 10, they just want a reaction out of someone. So, by depriving them of that, they might just be more tolerable. Of course, this is on a case-by-case basis, as everyone is different. 

Best: The Events

If one thing was memorable about my time in high school, it was the events. And I’m not just talking about the in-school events. All of them were things to remember. From homecoming to out-of-school functions, I will never forget them. It’s even better, because, at least at my school, they worked their butts to make it fun and to get us engaging. Sometimes they failed and sometimes they succeeded. Regardless, it was nice to see how much they cared for us. Just remember: You don’t have to go to all of the school events to have a memorable time. Loads of events take place outside of school. Just make sure you are around the right people (and you’re being safe).

Worst: Relationships

By no means am I setting you up for failure. As I said before, this is based on my experiences and what I’ve seen with my own two eyes. Getting in a relationship in high school is such a bad idea. It also is a bad idea to expect that relationship to last the rest of your life, just because you want it to be. In high school, no one really knows what they want. They don’t know what they want to do with their lives, what they like, or even what they want to eat after school. It’s kind of like that with relationships too. So, if you really want to get into a relationship, please, prepare for the heartache that it brings.

Best: Maturation

Since we are no longer in middle school, (mostly) everyone has matured. We will all have people who don’t mature but the majority of people would have matured from 8th grade to 12th grade. Because of this, we are able to have more mature conversations and situations without reacting in a childish way. Maturation also means moving on to bigger and better things. For example, starting to grow up. Driving, taking advanced classes, or anything else that can be defined as responsible. 

Even with the good and the bad, high school was still something to remember. I will never forget those people and experiences that made me the person I am today. And for that, I am grateful. High school is the very epitome of growth, having to do a lot of it literally and emotionally.

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