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May 9th – Lost Sock Memorial Day

May 9 – Happy Lost Sock Memorial Day

In a world full of fun or arguably ridiculous holidays like “Something on a Stick” day (Mar 28) or “Do a grouch a favor” day (Feb 16,) there is one holiday I can take my hat off to.  May 9th is Lost Sock Memorial Day.   Lost Sock Memorial Day is a day to honor all those mysteriously disappeared socks.

There are lots of little mysteries in our house.  Like, who comes over while we aren’t home and eats our snacks and then shoves the wrappers between the sofa cushions?  Or, who sneaks in to turn on all the lights when my children swore they turned them off?  But no mystery is as baffling as the hiding place of the Sock Monster–the mysterious creature that lives in your laundry area and feeds on yummy, clean socks that fall out of the dryer.


Laundry is a four- letter word in my house.  I loathe hearing the word and dread battling the constant laundry mountains that dot the landscape of my home. There is a constant battle between me and the hampers that overflow in my home.  As a mom of three, I can easily process 12-15 loads of laundry in a weekend. During a sports season with both kids playing some kind of ball, one or maybe two loads will be ALL SOCKS. 

Our sock habits have always been pretty basic.  Both boys have always had a drawer full of white Hanes athletic socks.  I have white ankle socks and maybe a pair or two of boot socks. My husband- black dress socks. 

Easy right?  Should be a breeze to get that sorted and put away right?  Nope!   We always have a small pile of “singles” after the sort. Insert princess Emma and now we have pink ones, striped ones, favorite ones and more LOST ones.

Of course, I have found a random forgotten sock here and there.  There is usually one hiding in-between the laundry machines.  I have found socks in the back of the closet and under the bed and the couch, too. 

I have even found a sock hanging from the ceiling fan once or twice.  Little sissy likes to kick off her shoes and socks as soon as she gets in her car seat after school. 

So in honor of Lost Sock Memorial Day, here are some suggestions on how to honor those that have fallen and possibly make use of those left behind. 

How you can celebrate Lost Sock Memorial Day:

  • Go Barefoot! – Honor a fallen hero by letting those sock couples have the day off.  Clean socks equal safety in the drawer for one more day.
  • Have a family Silly Sock Day – Wear a pair of mismatched socks as a set. Who knows! Maybe they will become new partners one day. Opposites attract!
  • Observe a moment of silence, and then toss out those spares you’ve been holding on to.
  • Donate socks to a shelter. New socks are the number one need for the homeless, and new socks are one of the least donated items to shelters and charitable organizations.

What you can make and do with those extra socks?

  • Create a silly sock monkey – Use those socks to create a cute and cuddly silly sock monkey.
  • Make sock puppets and have a puppet show. Just a few supplies like googly eyes and some yarn or ribbon, and you are on your way to family night

  • Make a heating pad – Fill the sock with uncooked rice, and sew closed the end. Microwave for 60 seconds, and apply to the achy area.
  • Make Drawer sachets – Fill a baby sock with potpourri, and make your drawers smell great.
  • Make pet toys – Fill with a toy chew ball or a couple of tennis balls, and get outside for a game of fetch.
  • Use as dust mitts or to clean foggy car windows.
  • Make a homemade chia pet – Fill the sock with grass seed and soil. Secure the opened end, and place in a clear bowl or cup. Sit them on a window sill, and keep it watered well.  Soon you will see your sock puppet growing hair!
  • Pamper yourself – cover hands and/or feet lotion and cover them with warm clean socks overnight. The sock will help your skin absorb the moisture while keeping it from rubbing off on your sheets
  • Make a door draft stopper – Fill a long sock with rice or unpopped popcorn, and secure the end. Lay by a door, and stop the cold air from creeping in.

While Strawberry Ice Cream day (Jan 16) or Chocolate Cupcake Day (Oct 18) are days that I can really get behind, I’m going to celebrate this Lost Sock Memorial Day by boycotting laundry for a night and maybe get a pedicure.

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