
When Your Child Wants to Get Ahead… or Falls Behind

Sponsored by- Pathways In Education - Memphis Moms Blog

when your child wants to get ahead or falls behind memphis moms blog pathways in education sponsored

We all go through similar emotions when it comes to our kids starting school, and when it comes to the responsibilities associated with that. All of us are in the same boat.

But there eventually comes a time when we are no longer all in the same boat. Schedules get hectic, goals for our children change, or family tragedies occur. Our kids are wanting to accelerate their education and graduate early, or they’ve fallen behind and a typical classroom environment is no longer beneficial or working for them.

So what do you do when that happens? When public school is no longer cutting it, but homeschooling isn’t necessarily something you’re ready to tackle?

There’s an excellent alternative, and it’s as customizable as alternative education comes: Pathways In Education.

Pathways In Education (Pathways) is a national network of non-profit schools and learning programs that partner with local school districts to provide free credit recovery and accelerated learning services to high school students. Pathways’ proven blended learning model successfully re-engages at-risk youth with their education and helps them develop a post-secondary plan. Pathways’ blended learning model includes:

  • Small Group Instruction classes
  • Independent study and online classes
  • Access to on-site student advisors
  • Free single subject tutors
  • College prep and career courses, including dual enrollment at some locations
  • Hands-on activities, academic trips, and cultural excursions.


This array of learning experiences accommodates every learning style out there. So for the kids who have a hard time with the distractions of large classes, the time needed for classroom instruction, the strict schedule of being in a classroom at regular times… there’s a solution for them at Pathways! You can attend classes both on campus and online. The flexibility of an education from Pathways In Education is unmatched.

Students are not only prepared to graduate from Pathways, but they are also prepared for life after graduation. With college campus tours and experiential education program, students will feel ready to take the next steps in life when they finish their education at Pathways.

Do you have a student who could benefit from an education from Pathways In Education? You can contact them here. Their programs are open to the public–all that’s needed to register is a referral from your student’s school counselor and a visit to one of their local offices!

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