Vision Board

Throw out the Resolutions; Make a Vision Board Instead!

The New Year is finally here! Now what? Are you a person who likes to make “New Years Resolutions?” Well, let me tell break this to you: more than 50% of the American people drop their resolutions before the end of January.

My suggestion? Make a vision board based upon your personal new year goals instead!

Right before or after New Years Eve (sometimes both), I always reflect upon the previous year. What trips have I (we) taken, what have I accomplished personally and as a family, what goals did I reach (or not), and what challenges did I overcome in the past year. I also set goals for the new year. What do I want to accomplish in the new year (2024)? I use several categories/areas of my life to set goals in: travel, entertainment/fun, work, family life, personal health/wellness, and more. Once I set my goals, I take several old magazines and look through images of what could represent these goals in pictures. This year, I involved my 4 year old in the process, and it was lots of fun.

Creating our 2024 Vision Boards
Creating our 2024 Vision Boards

Not sure where to start with goal setting? Start with smaller, short-term goals (usually about less than 12 months out). Once you have those, you can make some long-term ones (a year or longer out).

Sometimes I am not sure what that is supposed to look like, but for example: say your goal is to read 12 fiction books by the end of the year.  Then your smaller goal could be to read 1 fiction book a month. Goals are also not fixed, set-in-stone. They can vary / change, especially the long-term ones. Visit your goals every once in a while to make sure they are still “up to date.”

In order to achieve your goal, it helps to use the SMART acronym:

Specific – Let’s make sure our goals are specific enough; the specific in the book example would be “fiction book,” since that is not it is more specific than just “book” in general.

Measurable – How will you measure the outcome of the goal? In our fiction book example, the “measure” is 12.

Achievable/Attainable – If you only read 1 book last year, the goal of 12 may not be attainable to you. But if you read maybe 8-12, it could potentially be attainable for you. Just be realistic.

Relevant – Does the goal even apply to you? If you are not a book reader, the book goal would not be relevant.

Time-bound – When will you achieve the goal by? Make sure the timeline is realistic. In our example, the time-bound piece would be “by the end of the year” or “(1 book) a month”.

Once I had my goals for the year set, I started making my vision board. The way I represented the book goal on my vision board was obviously with a bookshelf / picture of books.

I try making a vision board every year, and they look quite different every year. It is fun to look at previous ones and see how you have changed/grown over the years. There is really no right or wrong way of making a vision board. Some people use only words, some people use pictures, and some people use arts. I use magazine or printed images, but many people will even make a digital vision board! There are millions of ideas for these vision boards out there. I would start with what most appeals to you; it does not have to be complicated. Once you make it, print it (or glue it), and hang it up in a visible space! There you go – your NEW YEAR vision!

Vision Board 2024
How my 4 year old’s vision board turned out


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