The Southern Junkers Vintage Market

It’s bigger and better than ever before! Not only are they bringing you Vintage and Antiques vendors, they are bringing back the nostalgia of the Memphis Fairgrounds! I have such fond memories of getting out of school a whole full day to go to the Mid-South Fair at the Memphis Fairgrounds, riding the Zippin Pippin, and all those great concerts at the Coliseum! Remember those days? Corn dogs and funnel cakes? My mouth is watering just thinking about it! I’m excited to bring back those memories by going out to the Fairgrounds and hunting for vintage and antique finds. Throw in a little live music from Larry Willis, “The Murdering Crows,” and Grace Gordon, and you’ve got a great 2 days of shopping, eating, meeting up with friends, and making new memories!

You don’t want to miss it!
Saturday 9am to 5pm, $5.00 admission
Venue is air conditioned on concrete floors.

Real Good Dog Rescue will be on site, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to them. Here is the link to purchase tickets:
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I love it! Thank you for sharing all of this great info on the Southern Junkers Vintage Market Memphis!!!