Memphis Consignment Shop Round-Up for Moms!
We’re all looking for ways to be friendlier to the planet these days, and one major environmental problem is fast fashion or the manufacturing practice of rapidly producing clothing at a high volume to keep up with current trends. Usually these clothes are made of less-than-quality materials and use an incredible amount of resources to make, all for them to be tossed aside quickly due to the poor quality and the expectation that consumers will want the next thing that’s fashionable.
Fortunately, there’s a better way both for you AND the environment: consignment shops!
They’re a great treasure trove of vintage, classic, and modern clothing that is usually of much better quality than the fast fashion offerings. But you might be asking, what’s the difference between a consignment shop and a thrift store? Generally speaking, a Consignment, or Resale shop, buys your items upfront and pays you either cash or store credit. Sometimes the consignor (the one bringing in the gently used items) will be paid after the merchandise sells. A Thrift Store is typically a “not for profit” that’s associated with a charity/church and is selling donated items.
Here’s a list of some great consignment shops around Memphis:
1.) Sugar Plum Consignments: 6100 Primacy Pkwy, Memphis, TN 38119. A great selection of accessible and high-end fashion brands. They’re on Instagram.
2.) Fox+Cat Vintage: 2153 Central Ave, Memphis, TN 38104. A quirky midtown store featuring a variety of styles. Here’s their Facebook. Also if you go on their Instagram, check out their cute reels, where they feature different items for sale and model the clothing! They make you want to head straight there and grab up the outfits before they’re gone!
3.) Revive Boutique: a pop-up-shop-style non-profit boutique benefiting various ministries. The first pop-up event is scheduled for February 19th 2022. Check out Instagram and Facebook for the location. Miss the event on the 19th? Check out Revive’s social media accounts for the date of the next event!
4.) His & Her Consignment Boutique: 875 West Poplar Ave. Suite 1, Collierville, TN 38017. A focus on both men’s and women’s clothing and accessories. Check them out on Instagram.
5.) Celery Ladies Upscale Resale: 732 E Brookhaven Circle Memphis, TN 38117. A wide selection of high-end fashion options. They’re on Instagram where they feature suggested outfits of the day and available items for sale. They’re also on Facebook.
6.) Simply Divine/Jackie’s Closet: 829 Mt Moriah Rd, Memphis, TN 38117. A size-inclusive shop with a wide variety of styles. Check them out in Instagram and Facebook.
7.) Plato’s Closet: various locations around town. This is a chain with a huge selection with lots of trendy options.
8.) Repeat Boutique: 3586 Summer Ave., Memphis, TN 38122. With proceeds benefiting the Junior League of Memphis, they have everything from housewares to books to even children’s clothes. They too feature new items on their Instagram feed.
What’d we miss? Where’s YOUR favorite consignment shop to find your next fashion fix?