
The Mid-South's Premier Parenting Resource

Memphis Rox
Memphis Rox: Our August Nonprofit of the Month

Memphis surpassed Salt Lake City this year to rank as the most generous metropolitan area in the United States, giving almost $6 of every $100 earned to philanthropy. With this in mind, the Memphis Moms Blog wants to feature a local Nonprofit every month. There are so many amazing organizations in our city dedicated to looking out for the well being of all Memphians, and we want to feature them. If you know of a Nonprofit we should feature, Let us know by nominating them here


The news of a new rock climbing gym recently opening up here in Memphis was super exciting. Finding out the gym was a non-profit organization, well that was exciting AND intriguing! 

Memphis Rox

Located in the heart of South Memphis, in the neighborhood better known as Soulsville, Memphis Rox exists not just as a place for people to work on their climbing skills, but more importantly, to transform a struggling community. Together with One Family Memphis, Memphis Rox’ mission is to bring rehabilitation, healing and a renewed sense of hope to challenged communities by providing a climbing facility and programs to foster relationships across cultural, racial, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.

Memphis Rox

The most unique aspect of this facility is that they will exclude no one — regardless of ability to pay. That’s right. Memphis Rox will never turn anyone away even if they can’t pay. All pricing is suggested and payment is an option, not a requirement. Those who are unable to provide payment still get full access to the state of the art climbing facility as well as their full-service fitness area and classes. In return, those who cannot give monetarily are asked to volunteer at the gym or at a local charity of their choice. In their words, Memphis Rox is “reimagining currency”, and we at Memphis Moms Blog think it’s pretty incredible.

Memphis Rox

MMB owners Crady and Erika took their kiddos to check the place out and they were truly impressed. The size alone was impressive; the place is HUGE. Also, it was very clean and well kept, which is very important to a couple of mamas! There were workers all over the place, most of them volunteers, assuring everyone’s safety, and helping out anyone needing assistance.

Memphis Rox

On the upper level, there is a full fitness center stacked with bikes, treadmills, lifting equipment, free weights, etc. Another aspect we loved were little lounge areas with couches and chairs where people can hang out and chat, study, or just hang out and use the WIFI.

Memphis Rox

We are pretty stoked about what Memphis Rox is doing and we hope you are too! They are located at

879 E Mclemore Ave
Memphis, TN 38106


Monday–Friday: 630AM-930PM
Saturday: 10AM–8PM
Sunday: 12PM–8PM 

To get involved or learn more about this incredible place, please check them out here, you won't regret it!

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