Friday Favorites summer edition graphic

Friday Favorites by Lori {Carpool Edition}

Well, we blinked and summer is over. Hi ho, hi ho, it’s back to school we go. And back to school means back in the car. So much riding in the car. Carpool in the morning, carpool in the afternoon.

But here’s a few of my favorites that I either do or enjoy while waiting for my beautiful children to enter the car after school:

B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream

b-flat belly firming cream
Yeah yeah, I know, there’s so many posts about loving your body. blah blah. But I’ve been a size 6, flat stomached person almost my entire life. Even after baby #4 my tummy bounced back nice and fine. But after baby 5? Yeah, no. It’s like my middle area just gave up. Enter B-FLAT Belly Firming Cream. I succumbed to a dumb IG ad one day after feeling miserable about my little rolls that now exist down there. Does it work? I think so! When you put it on, it turns your tummy hot. Too much and it feels like your skin is literally on fire. Yet, I find myself strangely addicted to it. And when I’m sitting in carpool, and I think my stomach might be tightening while I’m not even doing anything — for this Enneagram 3, it FEELS like I’m accomplishing something.

French Truck Coffee

french truck coffee
One of my all-time faves, there’s now a second location that just opened up on S. Highland, literally 2 blocks from my son’s school. So I can stop at the Crosstown location in the morning when I’m dropping off the highschooler, and then grab one again in the afternoon before I go wait for the middle schooler.  Oui pour le café!

Apple Music

apple music for those long carpool lines
The $10 a month I spend to subscribe to Apple Music is well worth it. Carpool time is MY time to listen (and sometimes sing) to any genre of music I want. And I no longer have to bring along my CDs; I simply type in the title or album name that I want to listen to and voila! Plus, I can have my teen make me playlists and whatever my mood is, I can choose that music while waiting in carpool line.

Quiet Time

this note pad is perfect for the carpool line

Oftentimes I use my wait time to pray. My friend Melissa designed and created these handy dandy “5 Minute Way to Start My Day” notepads. I’m not a morning person, so it rarely gets done in the am. But it also doesn’t matter when you pray, so carpool is the ideal time to settle my mind for a bit and concentrate on those that I love.

Pilot Precise V7 Harmony Limited Edition Rollerball Pens, Fine Point

these pens are amazing for jotting down notes in the carpool line
Yeah, ok, those pens are pretty specific, but I’m a list maker and I’ve been addicted to these pens since high school. I love how they write, and this specific pack has limited edition colors, which makes me feel special for owning them. I make lists on everything from the back of old receipts to napkins from my glove compartment. Anytime I’m in the car, I’m jotting down ideas, brainstorms, things to do, etc. I’ve even been known to add things I’ve already done to a to-do list, just so I have the satisfaction of crossing it off. Anyone else?

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