February Mom of the Month {2019}
Memphis is full of amazing moms: working moms, stay-at-home moms, single moms, moms of multiples, etc. We want to highlight some of those moms! Each month we will feature one special mom as MMB’s mom of the month.

We asked Amie:
1. What is it like being a mom with epilepsy?
Being a mom with Epilepsy is not easy at all. It isn’t just because I have seizures, it’s because I have to watch how it affects my sons. I began having seizures when my sons were six and three. My boys became afraid of me and did not want to come near me for almost a year. My youngest, Xavier, would cry every time I tried to hug or hold him. This was some of the worst pain I have experienced as a mom. As the years went on though, they became my biggest protectors. They made sure I was taking my medication and making my appointments. If they had to, they would be the ones calling 911. I think one of the best moments was when my oldest, Christion, looked at me one day and said, “Mommy, I know why God gave me to you. It was so I could take care of you.” I lost it! Life hasn’t been perfect. Seizures haven’t stopped. But I am still a mom. And that will always be the greatest gift God has ever given me.
2. What are three fun facts about yourself?
I love to sing! No matter it is, I’m singing it.
I am a for real people person. I can’t help it, I just love everyone!
I am a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I will seriously go Mama Bear about my Cowboys!! Haha! I have been a fan since high school, and when I watched Emmitt Smith play, I was hooked!
3. What do you love most about Memphis?
I love Memphis! I love everything about our city. What I love the most is that every time you go out in the streets of Memphis you discover something new. Whether it’s a new restaurant, a new work of art, or just a new spot to hang out with friends and family.
Do you know a mom that would make a great mom of the month? Nominate them here: https://memphis.citymomsblog.com/contact-us/mom-month-nominations/