
Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

Does your child have a summer birthday? Are you wondering whether to send them to Kindergarten or to “red-shirt” them for a year? Fear not! Our partners at The Goddard School Cordova are here to help you figure that out!

welcome to kindergarten

What should rising Kindergarteners know?

A few things academically rising Kindergarteners should be able to do are:

  • write their first and last name
  • build a tower of 10 blocks
  • successfully complete puzzles of 8 pieces or more
  • throw, catch, and bounce a ball
  • recite new songs, rhymes, and chants
  • track print from left to right
  • listen and re-tell a story
  • print numbers 1 -20
  • name numbers 1-20
  • point to letters A-Z (upper and lower case)
  • state sounds of letter A-Z
  • state their age
  • name the colors
MMB Goddard School kindergarten
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A few social/emotional things rising Kindergarteners should be able to do are:

  • taking responsibility for their supplies and belongings
  • following directions
  • work/play cooperatively with peers and adults
  • approach new tasks with confidence and persistence
  • solve problems in multiple ways
  • recognize and express feeling appropriately
  • adjust to the environment
  • respect others
  • listen attentively
  • work independently
  • practice self-control
  • take care of their personal needs
 photo credit :

If you read the above lists and thought, “yes! My kid can do that!” —  then you’re most likely good to go! But what if you saw some red flags? Or instead have a rising Junior Kindergartener? JK programs are important in a child’s development, because a good program will prepare the student for the next year’s Kindergarten. Or maybe your child already completed Junior Kindergarten and now you’re considering repeating JK for one more year? Just know you’ll need a place that’s going to truly invest in your child’s well-being and development. 

How does Goddard help prepare JK students?

At The Goddard School®, their focus on academic essentials helps children hone valuable life and career skills, such as communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Highly trained teachers gently guide and encourage children every step of the way as they grow, develop, and achieve important milestones.

To achieve their primary educational goals, they provide children with engaging and purposeful activities to encourage the following:

  • complex problem solving
  • reasoning
  • building bridges between ideas
  • abstract thinking
  • academic learning

To set the groundwork for learning at the Goddard School the F.L.EX.® Learning Program is used.   F.L.EX.® stands for fun learning experience.

What makes up F.L.EX.®?

  1. Well trained teachers who have degrees in Early Childhood Education, a related field, or Child Development Certificate (CDA)
  2. The Frog Street curriculum — includes Math, Literacy, Spanish, as well STEAM activities for each lesson
  3. Child led activities

One of the most misunderstood aspects of Goddard’s F.L.EX.® Learning Program is the perception that the children are just playing. According to Dr. Kyle D. Pruett,

Play is the theater for learning, not just entertainment as educators once thought. In fact, it is a significant contributor to intellectual, emotional, language, and social development

At The Goddard School, they believe that children learn through play and that all play is an opportunity for learning. Recent research on brain development supports this philosophy.

Assessments play a role in determining Kindergarten readiness

Goddard assesses JK students for Kindergarten readiness. The first assessment occurs shortly after the second week of school. Completing this early assessment gives a clear understanding of where each child is academically. This enables their teachers to customize the lesson plans to meet the students where they are.  The teachers develop weekly themes to strengthen their weekly lesson plans. The lesson plans address all 8 subject areas and often include special enrichment activities for the children. The second assessment takes place towards the end of the school year. As you can see from the following charts, this student was able to meet and even exceed certain goals, which means they are ready to confidently head off to Kindergarten!

These JK assessments help determine if a child is Kindergarten ready.

Do you have questions about Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten? Then stop by The Goddard School Cordova on June 25 from 5:30-7:30 for an open house event! Their staff will be able to answer questions, give tours, and help you with any concerns you may have. 

The Goddard School Cordova
190 N. Forest Hill Irene Road
Cordova, TN 38018

call 901-708-3338 or email for more information about their event or to schedule a private tour of their state of the art facility!

MMB Goddard School kindergarten

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