monday motivation

Andrea’s Monday Motivation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Andrea motivation Monday

Hi, I’m Andrea and I’m a personal trainer at Burn Boot Camp Collierville. My husband and I have an 8 month old little girl named Raegan and a 2 year old pit bull named Flex. Both are super energetic, silly, and loving! I grew up in southern California, where I was a cheerleader and power tumbler. I cheered through college, which is where I found the motivation to continue my journey of health and fitness!

Over the next 6 months, Andrea is going to give us motivation us as mothers in three specific area. She’s going to provide positive affirmations and mantras to help us achieve good mental health. A workout will be provided, focusing on strength and agility, getting our heart rate up and helping us to feel strong. Plus, physical health doesn’t stop at exercise — it’s proper nutrition. Andrea will be providing easy (and yummy) recipes to keep us eating healthy!

monday motivation

I deserve to be strong, healthy, and confident.

I wanted to kick it off with this motivation, because as a trainer whose clientele is 99% women, 90% of which are moms (and being a first time mom myself), I know how incredibly hard it is for moms to prioritize our own mental and physical health! I’m here to let you know that you DESERVE to be healthy.

It’s a cliche saying, but you cannot pour from an empty cup. Whether you’re a new mom like me or you have a teenager, you know that the mental load of being a mom is off. the. charts. It constantly feels like someone needs something from you. I’m not only the primary caregiver for my daughter (and let’s be honest, my dog), I’m also the boss lady at work, which means there is always something that someone needs me to do, answer, fix, etc.

Most days, working out or cooking a healthy meal is the LAST thing I want to do. But in the last month or so, I have noticed that I am a significantly better mom (patience), wife, boss, and trainer when I am treating my body right (Shocker. I tell my clients this all the time.) So if you find yourself constantly falling lower and lower on your list of priorities because you feel selfish, remember that you deserve to be taken care of just like everyone else! In order to give the best version of yourself, you have to BE the best version of yourself!

monday motivation

Warm up: 2 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

10 each Knee drives
10 each Heisman
10 Squats

Workout: 1 min each 3x

Sumo squat
Glute bridge pulse
Shoulder taps
Hand release push ups
Heel taps
Side plank hip dip L
Side plank hip dip R
Between rounds. 2 min AMRAP
20 Volley tips
20 Mountain climbers


Squat, pulse hold
20s each, 3x[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”” align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

monday motivation

Ground Turkey Burrito Bowl

Let me start with this: I’m not a food blogger and I rarely use actual recipes. I hardly ever measure, and most of this can be adjusted to your taste (which should hopefully give you the motivation to eat healthier).That being said, this is one of my favorite meal prep meals!

1 lb ground turkey
Taco seasoning
1⁄2 White onion
1 can pinto or black beans
2 bell peppers
1 jalapeno

Heat pan on medium heat and spray lightly with cooking spray
Brown your ground turkey
While turkey is browning, drain beans and chop onion, peppers, and jalapeno
About halfway through browning, add onions, bell peppers, and jalapenos to the pan.
After a couple of minutes, add taco seasoning and finish browning.
At the very end, add the beans.
Top with salsa, avocado, or whatever pleases your heart.

I can usually get about 6 meals out of this!

Chef’s notes (I’m not a chef, but I wanted to feel official): You can add more volume to this by adding rice! Or add more freshness by putting it over a bed of lettuce. This truly can be customized to fit your tastes and needs.

Thanks for checking me out this month! If you do the workout or make the recipe, be sure to tag @memfitdre and @memphismomco on Instagram![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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