
3 Easy Houseplants for Moms

Looking after houseplants is a great hobby and can be a great way to practice self-care. But how do you keep houseplants alive when you are already looking after people? One of the best ways to start or maintain a houseplant hobby is to buy houseplants that are low-maintenance. I’ve stopped chasing high-maintenance houseplants and have leaned into the ones that are easy going.

Here are 3 houseplants I recommend to start or maintain a plant hobby:

Aglaonema or Chinese EvergreenAglaonema or Chinese Evergreen

This plant comes in different colors and varieties and has a beautiful print on the leaves. You can put this houseplant in a shady corner in your house or next to a window (it looks great in a basket). The watering amount will depend on where you place it (the more light it gets, the more water it will need) and the season (during the spring and summer it’ll need more water). Its leaves will start to droop when it needs water, which takes out the guess work for you!


Epipremnum or Pothos

Epipremnum or Pothos houseplant

Pothos plants are the back bone of having a houseplant hobby. You need at least one! These plants come in different sizes and variegations. Some have a blue tint, while others have marble print on their leaves. This is another houseplant that you can place in low-light or in front of a bright window. Pothos plants are very easy to propagate, making them a favorite in the plant community. It doesn’t need humidity to grow. You can let this plant trail or place it on a moss pole and watch it grow bigger leaves. The watering amount depends on where you put it and the season. And yes, the leaves on this plant will droop when it needs to be watered, too!

pothos plant


Easily mixed up with pothos, philodendron are very easy to take care of plants. Most philodendron can be easily propagated, meaning you can grow more plants from a leaf stem with a node. Their leaves come in all different shapes, sizes, textures, and colors! Most varieties will do just fine in medium or low-light and don’t need lots of water. Philodendrons don’t need humidity but will appreciate it you give them some humidity (you can place them in a room with a humidifier or on top of a pebble tray). You can watch this plant trail or place it on a moss pole to get bigger leaves. Some philodendron crawl and can be placed in a rectangular plant pot. Of course, the amount of water depends on the season and where you’re placing this plant. And you might have guessed it, but the leaves on philodendron plants will droop when they need to be watered!

To find great house plants, I always suggest shopping locally. Local plant shops or greenhouses really care about their plants. You can walk in and see them doing pest prevention work or making sure the plants have the nutrients they need to thrive. Local plant shops are great for care tips and suggestions too! Urban Earth Memphis is absolutely one of my favorite places to go to plant shop in Memphis. They are knowledgeable about plants, plant care, and have tried to help me dismantle many tantrums while plant shopping! These plants are pretty vocal when they need to be watered (their leaves will droop) but always check the soil before watering! Always look up whether a houseplant is poisonous to humans or furry family members and place the plants in places out of reach of tiny hands.

Do you have houseplants? What are your favorites?


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