Mother's Day gift

Mother’s Day is in Less than 2 Weeks…

Hey everyone! I know we’re still hanging out in our homes and doing our best with regards to the virus. But Mother’s Day is still coming! And this year, maybe more so than any other year in the past, moms deserve something great! We crowdsourced some ideas for ways you can celebrate mom without leaving the house!

Dads, this one is for you!

mother's day meme

{Free} Ideas:

  1. Let mom sleep in! If your kids are anything like mine, they’re still up with the sun. ESPECIALLY those who have young kids. So on May 10, let your wife sleep in!
  2. Take your kids on a LONG walk and let mom be alone for an hour or two.
  3. BETTER YET! Let mom go to her room all day and binge watch the Netflix shows she’s heard so much about but hasn’t gotten around to watching. Bonus: occasionally bring her food and mimosas. 
  4. Dads, help the kiddos make your wife a nice breakfast in bed! Make sure you head out to the yard to pick her some flowers.
  5. Have the kids make a pact to NOT ARGUE ALL DAY! Winning!
  6. Have your kids write a letter to mom (for the older kids) or make a card for her (younger kiddos).
  7. After the kids go to bed, get all dressed up and eat dinner on the patio together. 
  8. All the sleep. We mentioned sleep, right?
  9. If your mom isn’t big on breakfast, the kids can make and decorate cookies for mom.
  10. With your kids, write cute little notes for mom and leave them around the house. “You spice up our lives,” and put it in the spice cabinet, for example!

moms want sleep for Mother's Day

{Art} Ideas:

  1. The flower pot is by far the most popular Mother’s Day craft and totally doable at home! 
  2. Guys, you may not be a royal fanatic like your wife (please tell me this isn’t just me), but Duchess Catherine just did the CUTEST craft with little Louis involving painting the palm of his hand in a rainbow and the pressing it onto paper (or a canvas). This would be such a great gift!
  3. Even homemade cards are appreciated! 
  4. Pinterest is your friend. There are literally THOUSANDS of cute Mother’s Day themed crafts on there. Find one you don’t hate and that you can accomplish and do it! I believe in you!

Mother's Day art idea

{Paid} Ideas:

  1. Bath bombs or shower fizzies from Buff City Soap
  2. Pick a honey do project she’s been wanting to get done and ACTUALLY do it! Paint a room, install some landscaping, paint some furniture. Bonus points if the kids help!
  3. Gift cards from her favorite hair salon, nail salon, massage place, etc. to use when we can finally get out of here! This one is especially awesome because those local places are HURTING right now.
  4. Several pottery places around town are doing kit pickups. You get a piece and several paints. Then you paint it, return it, and pick it up again after it’s finished. 
  5. Get her a nice dinner delivered! So many restaurants have switched to carryout and delivery. Treat her with her favorite! 
  6. Get COCKTAILS delivered! Thunder Road Memphis is taking orders through email. I’d go ahead and request a cocktail for Mother’s Day night if you want to guarantee delivery!

cocktails for Mother's Day

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