HopeWorks student at graduation

HopeWorks :: Our October Nonprofit of the Month {2024}

HopeWorks is a faith-based non-profit that has been serving Memphians for 35 years.  Originally started as a distribution ministry supplying personal hygiene items and household supplies to families in need, they have grown to do so much more!

Work Readiness

HopeWorks provides work readiness training to anyone in the community through their 8-session Employment Essentials class.  They also do work readiness inside the Shelby County Division of Corrections.  This includes both soft skills training and hard skills training with classes in Culinary Arts or Building Construction and Maintenance.  The goal is to help these individuals prepare for a successful transition back to the community.

Adult Basic Education

There are 60,000 adults in Shelby County in need of a high school equivalency diploma.  For those who want to pursue this, HopeWorks has the largest Adult Basic Education program in the state, serving students at five locations in the community and inside three correctional facilities.

student at graduation

Adult English as a Second Language

HopeWorks offers Adult English as a Second Language classes which infuse English with civics.  Serving students from over 40 countries, AESL is not only helping newcomers learn the language, but helping them learn about living and working in America.  Many of these students have left professional careers to build a better life in the US.  The AESL students connect with others who are experiencing the same obstacles, and find a new, welcoming community at HopeWorks.

Transitional Housing

HopeWorks operates the Forgiveness House, a 10-bed transitional facility for men coming out of incarceration.  The program assists returning citizens with employment, opening a bank account, establishing mental and physical health care, reinstating driver’s licenses, getting transportation, counseling, recovery support, and whatever the men need to rebuild their lives.  Residents work during the day and have classes, counseling, and Bible studies at night.  All attend a worship gathering on Sunday evenings facilitated by a rotating group of 13 churches who also provide a meal.

“Hope and a Job!”

If you ask HopeWorks Director, Ron Wade, to sum up all the organization does, he will tell you, “We provide hope and a job!”  Students may come to get their diploma or to learn English, but HopeWorks wants to help all participants obtain meaningful, living wage employment  A dedicated Workforce Team is always looking for employers to partner with – employers who may be able to hire those with criminal background issues, who may be learning English, or working on their high school equivalency diploma.  The Workforce Team assists the student in need of a job by building a resume, assisting with job search, and interview preparation.

HopeWorks students in a classroom

So Much More!

HopeWorks students come for a specific program, but often have other needs.  A team of Case Managers assist with referrals for resources, and also helps students get the documents needed to work.  Staff builds relationships with the students, and they know that the support from HopeWorks doesn’t end at completion of a program.  Students have lifetime support. 

Upcoming Event

Like all non-profits, HopeWorks relies on donations from supporters and special events.  They are excited to host a new fund-raising event: Staging Hope!  This will be a matinee production of The Wizard of Oz at Playhouse on the Square on Saturday, November 23 at 2:00.  The event will include a family-friendly mocktail hour (think “Ruby Red Sippers”), silent auction, awards for kids in Wizard of Oz costumes, and more.  For more information or for tickets, go to the website at www.whyhopeworks.org or call Louise at (901) 272-3700.  

You can be a part of making hope work in Memphis!

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