10 {Virtual} Ideas to Celebrate Teachers this Week

Who would’ve thought that when we left school for Spring Break, we wouldn’t be returning? All of a sudden, parents everywhere found themselves “crisis schooling.” (Let’s not say homeschooling, shall we, because let’s face it, we aren’t quite doing that). And if we’re all really, really honest, NONE of the schooling would even be possible if it wasn’t for our amazing teachers and support staff busting their behinds to provide lesson plans, access to online resources, scheduling zoom meetings, and virtually lecturing. It’s nothing short of miraculous.

As we approach the week that’s traditionally spent recognizing our teachers in person, let’s not forget to do the same virtually! THEY NEED THE LOVE QUITE POSSIBLY EVEN MORE THIS YEAR!

Here are 10 ideas to help you celebrate the teachers in your child’s life:

Easy/Simple ideas:

  1. Have your child draw a picture or write a letter and send a photo of this to your child’s teacher(s) via email. (Or go “old school” and actually mail a card or drawing to your teacher. Snail mail is so meaningful!)
  2. Parents, your turn to write a note/email your appreciation to your child’s teacher(s.)  You can draw a picture if you prefer (ha!).

More fun! These are a bit more challenging, but oh so worth it! We challenge each student/family to celebrate their teachers in your own way and either send via email or through social media. Use your teacher’s “favorite things” and go to town.  (We know how creative you are so we have high expectations):

  1. Learn to sing or play their favorite song and then record a video of your performance.
  2. Learn to make their favorite dessert and/or meal and take a selfie enjoying it in their honor.
  3. Read their favorite book and write a book review. Or  just record a video of what you loved about the book!  Or take a photo of your child dressed as their favorite book character!
  4. Act out a scene from their favorite movie or play, and send them a video of the performance. This is best if you get the entire family involved! 
  5. Go on a walk and find their favorite flower or plant their favorite flower in your new garden (admit it, you started one) and send a picture of it!
  6. Everybody in the family (pets included) dresses in your teacher’s favorite color. Take a picture or a boomerang and send it!
  7. Video your family playing their favorite sport or go running X amount of miles in honor of your coach.
  8. Lip Sync using TikTok or take a video of your family singing their favorite song.

Honestly, the ideas are endless. Gift cards are an easy thank you to email and snail mail (Make sure you buy from a local business, which is another win, win.). Order something for their classroom next year off Amazon and have it shipped directly to their house. Or simply do a drive by parade (coordinate with other room parents!) and yell out to the world how much you love your teachers. Because, truly, without our educators these last 6 weeks, our children’s brain cells would be oozing out of their ears.

Cheers, teachers. YOU are our quarantine heroes.

Ideas for this blog post were provided by Julie Nanney and the Campus School Parent Network. We are thankful for our SCS schools and parental involvement all over Memphis during this crazy fourth quarter.

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