Goldfish Swim

Is Your Family Ready for a Safer Summer of Swimming?

The swim and water safety experts at Goldfish Swim School Germantown share practical tips for families in honor of National Water Safety Awareness Month.

Did you know……

  • Drowning is the number one cause of injury-related death for children ages 1-4
  • Drowning kills nearly 1,000 children every year
  • Formal swimming lessons reduce the likelihood of childhood drowning by 88%
  • According to Total Aquatics Programming data, the summer months (May-August) account for 2/3 of annual childhood drowning incidents.

While these statistics can be frightening, the good news is that there are plenty of things that parents can do to keep their kids safe in and around water!

May is National Water Safety Awareness Month and this is a perfect time for all families and caregivers to review swim and water safety basics. We asked the experts at Goldfish Swim School Germantown to share essential water safety tips that every family needs to know.

water safety swimmingGoldfish Swim

Enroll in Swim Lessons & Practice Basic Moves Before Returning to the Pool

One of the best ways to protect your children against drowning is to improve their comfort level in the water and strengthen swimming capabilities through swim lessons, which have been proven to reduce the risk of childhood drowning by 88%. Lessons help increase muscle memory by practicing basic techniques for kids to use during a water emergency, such as the crab walk, properly getting in and out of the pool, going under water, rolling on their back, treading water, learning different strokes, etc.

Goldfish Swim

Swap Out Floaties & Puddle Jumpers for U.S. Coast Guard-Approved Life Jackets

Don’t rely on floaties and puddle jumpers to keep your kids afloat. They give children a false sense of security in the water, easily come loose or deflate, and they teach children to float in a vertical position, which is the opposite of how our bodies actually float. Search for the Coast Guard approval on floatation devices, because it means the life jacket has met all the regulations that the Coast Guard has set in place as it relates to performance, construction, and materials. Pay attention to proper fit, too. Fit matters, because if your head or ears can slip down beneath the life jacket, the device won’t be able to work as designed to keep your head above water and allow for proper breathing.

Seek Out Bright Colored Swimwear & Properly Fitted Goggles

When shopping for swimwear, avoid colors that could blend in with the water and choose swimsuits with bright colors instead. They will stand out in the water and make it easier to spot a swimmer in need of help. When shopping for goggles, there’s a couple factors to look for: making sure they fit around the eye comfortably (the top of the goggle cup should fit under the eyebrow and comfortably seal on the bottom under the eye socket), the nosepiece should not be too tight or too wide, and the straps should easily adjust.

Goldfish Swim

Play it Cool and Follow the Rules

Sometimes when our little ones are in play mode, rules fall by the wayside. Review rules together as a family before letting your kids loose to enjoy the water. Pay special attention to pool hours, and always schedule your swims when lifeguards are present, if possible.

Designate a Water Guardian

Make sure to keep your eyes on your kids at all times – even if lifeguards are present. Kids are as curious as they come and are always willing to push the limits without knowing the true hazards. Designate an adult “Water Guardian” and be sure to change guardians every 30 minutes so they are alert and refreshed. A Water Guardian’s sole responsibility needs to be keeping an eye on the swimmers. Vigilance is key; no chatting, no checking your phone, no distractions.

Lifeguard Swim


Prepare for a Safer Summer with your family : Enter to WIN swim lessons!


To enter to win a free month of swim lessons at Goldfish Swim School Germantown, please complete this form.

Goldfish SwimIn honor of National Water Safety Awareness Month, Goldfish Swim School Germantown is giving away A MONTH OF FREE SWIM LESSONS TO ONE LUCKY WINNER!

Located at 2011 Exeter Road, Goldfish offers indoor, year-round swim instruction to children ages 4 months to 12 years-old in a safe, fun, and family-friendly setting with highly trained instructors, small class sizes (max 4:1 student to teacher ratio), and shiver-free 90-degree pools. Goldfish offers convenient scheduling options and families can easily book makeup classes when necessary.  Families can register for swim lessons by visiting or calling 901-641-1797.

water safety swimmingGiveaway ends May 31, 2022, at midnight. Winner will be selected at random. Lesson dates and times subject to availability.

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