Memphis Moms Blog dad parents

My husband doesn’t “babysit” ; HE PARENTS

Me: I’m so excited! I’m heading to [insert city] for the weekend for a conference and #girlsweekend!

Grand-mom: “Oh? Is your husband babysitting while you’re gone?”



Typically at this point in the conversation, I don’t actually tell the person “no, my husband is parenting our children” but I’m thinking it in my mind. And while I realize (and try not to correct whomever I’m speaking to) the comment stems from a generation whose husbands did not equally parent their children, I still find it annoying. It’s even more incredible to me when a woman (mom or not) that’s closer to my age asks this same question. I do know that because of our English language, it’s just easier to say words you might not necessarily mean. Or many you don’t mind using the term babysitter in conjunction with husband.  Maybe your husband is not an active parent in your home —


It’s 2019. We have equal opportunity parenting. It took two to tango, and it takes two to parent.

The thing is, my husband is not only an amazing dad,  he’s one awesome human.

He can cook.

He bakes. Like he literally makes bread dough and pizza dough from scratch.

He does the laundry. (folding, not so much. But it’s clean.)

He knows drop off and pick up times at three different schools.

He packs one impressive school lunch.

He attends every sporting event. (and holds me back from yelling too much)

He attends every Christmas performance, Thanksgiving Pow Wow, and Spring show.

He remembers to put gas in the tank.

He teaches our kids how to do things — like ride their bicycles and tie their shoes. (no joke. We currently have 4 kids and I’ve not taught any of the kids either of those life skills)

He helps with homework. Waaaaaay more than I do. Waaaaaaaaay more. He has the homework patience of a holy person.

He takes the kids on errands to give me alone time. All the kids. All 4 kids. On errands. This point alone wins him co-parenting stars.

He can also take care of the dogs while simultaneously taking care of the kids. Truly mindblowing.

He can grocery shop.

He can drive through a drive through.

He plays with our kids. Waaaaaay more than I do. 

He doesn’t read bedtime stories, he tells bedtime stories. 

He kisses boo boos.

He prayer walks our home and prays over them.

He parents our children.

What does he not do? Babysit.

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One Comment

  1. So sweet! He sounds great! This is such a great topic and post! My husband coparents. I jokingly nag on him a lot so those who don’t truly know me might suspect otherwise, or think I suck as a nagging complaining wife, but those who know us know that he’s a great dad and everything would fall to pieces without him. He is literally the glue to my sanity ?. I use the term babysit as well only because the kids are mainly with me. Even when I can leave them with him, I often choose to take them with me.

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