Memphis Moms Blog financial security

New Year New You :: Financial Security

Here we are, nearing the end of January. I believe it’s still safe to say Happy New Year! Some New Year’s resolutions are in effect, some are laying in wait, and others are down the drain- forgotten about, pushed to the side, buried under piles of parental to do’s which climb to the top of the list. The holiday break is over and the force that brings us back to reality has created an explosion in which day to day living takes precedence over our hopes and dreams for the new year.

For most moms, we have to find ways to incorporate our resolutions into our daily activity.

Some of my typical resolutions include the following:

Eat Healthier – Well we have to eat, so I start by replacing 2 less than healthy options per day with healthier selections. Instead of bacon with my eggs I opt for avocado. Maybe at the end of the day, when my ravenous drive for sweets kicks in, I can reach for a date and a fruit strudel instead of two fruit strudels and be happy. Hopefully.

Be more physically active- Instead of 30 minutes of tv time I can do a 30 minute YouTube workout video with the kids.

One important resolution that incorporates them all is financial protection. I have got to get my finances in order. The foundation of a financial strategy should be to protect your finances and minimize your risk.

By including life insurance as a part of your new year’s resolution, you are meeting the goal of assessing your budget to determine a financial strategy. Healthy eating and exercise helps to create a healthier you, which means a better rate for insurance and less money out of pocket.

In order to determine your coverage amount, and what’s affordable for your monthly rate, it is important to know your net worth. Your net worth can be determined by completing a life needs analysis. The analysis considers your assets and liabilities to determine the coverage amount your family will need in the event of your death. It’s not an easily approachable topic, but it is an important one if we want to help ensure that our families continue the path dreamed for them.

After your financial foundation is established, it is easier to figure out how to manage your financial risk, create a budget, save for the future, invest in the stock market, and prepare for retirement.

These topics can be discussed by having a free 15 minute consultation with a life insurance agent. I encourage everyone to set aside 20 minutes to speak with an agent and create a plan! Best wishes for enjoying your 2019 season and sticking to those resolutions!!

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