Jessi Keough



I'm Jessi! I love my family, chips & cheese dip, & of course trash TV. I'm a mother-to-be expecting in May of 2016 and also the mom of blue eyed blonde bombshell Aisley (like Paisley) and my brown eyed brunette beauty Adleigh (like Hadley.) Did I mention they're twins? My handsome hubby is Kevin, and we have two fur babies. They're pit mixes named Boomer & Java. One day, I hope to own many more, with or without hubby's stamp of approval. I'm from north Mississippi which is only about 30 minutes from Memphis but have been living in the great city of Memphis for the past 6 years. Some of my hobbies besides marathon episodes of Teen Mom include shopping sprees at Target, reading (mostly non-fiction), writing (anything from as silly as my daughters' ridiculous quotes of the day to as serious as suicide and addiction), Starbuck's fraps, and DIY projects. My husband and I both work full-time jobs and aspire to be organized parents, but the fact of the matter is... We are just both downright messy. Add children to that mix and things get even crazier. It makes for a chaotic life at times but somehow, we manage through the dysfunction and have no regrets. My motto is to just "wing it" with parenting and so far, so good!

The Weird Pregnancy Stuff No One Tells You
You’ve heard them before. You’ve probably even said some of the super cliché phrases about pregnancy yourself: "It's such a blessing!" "What a miracle!" These are common statements told to pregnant women. These people are talking about your baby—NOT your pregnancy. Because no person of sound mind and body can truthfully tell you that pregnancy is […]
Frazzled & Frustrated :: #MomLife Uncovered
You know that hashtag moms love to use when posting cute pictures of the things their kids do? You know the one. #MomLife. Just like most things on social media, I think #MomLife is a little deceiving. It seems like #MomLife is used to poke fun at the idea that your life changes as a […]
Gifts That Won’t Break The Bank
Have you ever bought your child a really amazing, expensive gift only to have them end up playing with pots and pans in the kitchen or bubble wrap from the gift you bought? It’s truly frustrating, but it should be a lesson and reminder that not everything we buy has to be brand new or […]
{MMB Thankful Series} :: Mom Time
As a mom, I'm the most thankful for my children's health and happiness, for the person they have shaped me to be, and for teaching me the true meaning of unconditional, undying love. Our children are our greatest blessings in life. As a mother, I am also thankful for moments spent without those hard-headed, demanding […]