Richa Sharma



Mundan ceremony
Mundan Sanskar :: Shaving Away Past Lives
A few weeks ago, I posted some pictures of my toddler daughter having her hair shaved. And I got A LOT of questions. We were celebrating the Hindu tradition of Mundan Sanskar. I have always been a huge advocate of teaching my children a thing or two about their culture and rituals, while also instilling […]
heart over pregnant body
A Love Letter To My Pregnant Self
Dear Pregnant Self, Yay! We did it, Mama. Welcome to week 33 of your pregnancy! I am so proud of you! I can't believe how time just flew by, though I won't deny that being pregnant plus caring for a 'terrible twos' toddler is a completely different ball game. Remember our first pregnancy? Gone are […]
messy play
Benefits of Messy Play : Why Kids Should Get Messy
Trying to keep your house neat when you have a toddler can seem like a lost cause! But what if that "MESS" is the basis of all tactile+sensory+exploratory development? That's right! Messy play in kids not only fosters your child's curiosity but also grants them the freedom to explore and develop their interests and senses. […]